Emily Schoh

Volunteer Coordinator

2024-25 Volunteer Information

St. Michael Albertville Youth Hockey Association (STMAYHA) operates successfully because of our volunteers. In order to provide a quality program and to create a positive experience for our players, we need help from each registered family. Our 2024-25 Volunteer Policy is outlined below. This policy is in effect from May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025, aligning with STMAYHA’s fiscal year.

Volunteer Hour Requirements

Families must complete 10 hours/per player association volunteer hours; this does not include team volunteer shifts. 

Buyout Policy

Families will have the option to buy out their volunteer hours at registration and will be charged $1,000 per player.

Skaters with Active Military Parent/Guardian

Players with active Military parent/guardian currently deployed will have volunteer hours waived.

Injury or Withdrawal

Players that withdraw from hockey or are injured during the season will still face volunteer requirements. Circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis which takes into account the date of player removal.

Volunteer Credit Card Payment

Failure to meet requirements by the end of the fiscal year (April 30, 2025) will result in $1,000 charged per player to the credit card on file.

In the instance volunteer hours are not completed and the credit card on file doesn’t clear, a new credit card must be provided or the skater will NOT be allowed to register for the upcoming season. 

Checks will not be held or accepted for the volunteer policy, only credit cards.

Penalties for No Shows

If you are signed up for a volunteer shift (Gambling or Regular) and do not complete that shift, for whatever reason, you will be charged:

  1. 1st offense - $100
  2. 2nd offense - $250
  3. 3rd offense - Credit card charged full volunteer requirement amount of $1,000

*Canceling a volunteer shift within 48 hours will result in no-show fees.

Types of Volunteering

Gambling Shifts

These opportunities include, but are not limited to, assisting staff during Bingo and Meat Raffle events. Please note: 

  • Back-to-back shift volunteering is not allowed (ex. Meat Raffle at 5 pm and then Bingo at 7 pm). 
  • Volunteers may at times be responsible for handling cash; any lost cash is to be replenished by the volunteer at the end of their shift. 
  • When you sign up to volunteer, you are responsible for the shift. If you are unable to make the shift for unforeseen reasons and the shift is within 7 days, you must email gambling@stmayha.org to be removed from the shift. Canceling within 48 hours will result in no-show fees.

Regular Volunteer Shifts

These opportunities include, but are not limited to, any volunteer shift posted to the STMAYHA website aside from gambling shifts. Some examples each year include helping with parades, tryouts, tournaments and fundraising events. If you sign up for one of these shifts and are unable to make it for an unforeseen reason within 7 days, you must email volunteers@stmayha.org to be removed from the shift. Canceling within 48 hours will result in no-show fees.

Team Volunteering (Does not count towards required volunteer hours)

Every family is expected to participate in team specific volunteering that supports their player’s team, as an active, supportive part of the team community – therefore, these do not apply to your family volunteer requirements as outlined above.  

Examples of supporting the team are: running the clock, scorekeeping or working the penalty box during your player's team games, locker room monitor duties, and other team specific activities.

Please note: Players or other children are not allowed to attend any volunteer shift, including gambling and regular shifts, without prior approval from the Volunteer Coordinator. Failure to obtain prior approval will result in forfeiture of the hours worked and a no-show fee charged.

Additional ways to fulfill volunteer requirement

  • Travel coaches and team managers will receive volunteer credit for all players in their family. Teams will be allowed no more than one (1) head coach, three (3) assistant coaches and one (1) team manager (20 hours) for volunteer credit exemption. 
  • Co-managers may share volunteer hours. Scrimmage coordinators will not receive volunteer hours unless the team manager wants to split the hours received with them.
  • Mite/8U coaches will receive credit for each Mite/8U skater they coach so long as they are coaching on the ice at least 75% of the scheduled ice time. The HOC will track Mite/8U coach attendance to ensure participation. 
  • Mite/8U team managers will receive volunteer credit for only the player whose team they manage so long as they complete the required minimum team tasks communicated by the Mite/8U Coordinator. Managers not completing the requirements will not receive credit hours. 
  • Board Members and Coordinators fulfilling roles including but not limited to Board of Directors, Support Coordinators, Special Committees (ex. Finance, Fundraising, HOC, Gambling), will receive credit for all players in their family.

Please note: Donating goods or being a sponsor does not relinquish volunteer hours. 

Parent Volunteer Requirements

Fulfilling Team Game Shift Responsibilities

  • Games shifts can be filled by those 18 years and older. These shifts include locker room monitor, penalty box, scorekeeping and game clocks. 
  • It is up to the parents of each team to fulfill needed game shifts. These shifts do not count toward volunteer hours. It is expected that all parents fairly help out, including assistant coaches. Head coaches are exempt).
  • If SafeSport training and background screens are not complete and parents are not able to fulfill their scheduled shifts.

Locker Room Monitor Policy

Each team is required to have a qualified Locker Room Monitor (LRM) present at all times whenever a player/players are in a locker room. A player should never enter into a locker room without adult supervision. If the players are dressing, this person must be a "qualified adult" (any adult of the same gender as the players who has passed the USA Hockey approved Background check). If the players are not changing, any qualified adult can supervise the players. For this reason, it is permissible for opposite gender coaches to be in a locker room only for game discussions before or after all players are finished dressing. 

Hardship Policy

On occasion, families experience hardship and are unable to fulfill their volunteer hour commitment. If you are concerned about fulfilling your volunteer hours, please contact the Executive Board of Directors at execboard@stmayha.org.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct - All Volunteers

STMAYHA is a non-profit, volunteer organization which promotes the sport of hockey. One of our goals is to provide a safe and fun environment; we expect the same from all of our participants, including, but not limited to, parents, players, coaches and volunteers.

  1. Always conduct yourself in a manner that positively reflects on all participants and STMAYHA regardless of the opportunity or location to which you are fulfilling your hours.
  2. Respect the property of STMAYHA, the cities of Albertville and St. Michael, as well as our gambling partners. Take steps to prevent theft or damage whenever possible. 
  3. STMAYHA has a zero-tolerance rule for drinking during volunteer shifts. If you are caught drinking during a shift, you will be asked to leave and will forfeit all volunteer hours and your credit card will be charged. This includes both gambling and regular volunteer shifts.
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